"You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; you have loosed my sackcloth and girded me with gladness, that my soul may sing to You and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks to You forever!" Psalm 30:11-12

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

This is NOT a " I'm the worst parent" contest

There is so much to say as I haven't been present in the "blogging world" for a while now. So what do I need to say that got me to log on and click for "new post?" Well, first the topic of parenting is coming up a lot in my world. Which seems so fitting considering that it seems to be very relevant to our family right now.

I was reading an always encouraging blog called "Our Family for His Glory" and it's content will leave you wanting to be "the best" parent for your kids. Thats ultimately always been a desire for me but what a struggle it's been. No lies.

I know, another parent publicly speaking (through the cyberworld) about they're struggles and feelings of failure. I recognize I'm not the only one.

I have many stuggles as a parent but one in particular is my quick abiility to dismiss my children and make them feel like they're unwanted around me :( Because, in the moment, I'm feeling annoyed or frustrated with the fact that all I want to do is sit here and enjoy this cup of joe and go about MY buisness. There are a couple of words for this but I'm sure you're already thinking them.

This Lord, is something that torments me after the fact that I've done it! So after repentance is in place with my kids I find something to do with them for redemption-sake. I think to myself about how UNDESERVING I am of these precious kids. What did the Lord see in me that HE thought I could be the caretaker and counsel of these four innocent children?

I pray often "Lord, whatever I lack to provide for my kids or if there a slim chance of them turning out as anything less then what You want then please Lord, place in their hearts grace, love, forgiveness times ten."

Maybe, I'm hard on myself. I realize that I don't become hard on myself for "pity-sake" but for an attempt to dust myself at every failure in parenting I've had and try again. The Lord shows me much, convicts me much, teaches me much, and has grace for me much. Thank You Jesus! What I lack He provides.

I absolutely, no doubt about it, would run in front of a train. fight 4 two-hundred pound men (God forbid) for my children (and my husband of course, but this blog is not about him);)I know God sees my heart and my perseverence in this matter and thats why His grace is continually on me :D Perhaps thats why I'm blessed to have them because God knew I was as determined to not fail my children when others would. I will continually seek His counsel and the wise counsel of mothers I respect and admire.

Scattered thoughts...probably. But this is for me to understand but if you receieved anything through it, then brillant!

So many things to learn, teach, and provide for our kids and yet so little time.

Pray for us.